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Friday, October 31, 2014

Wateringbury Forerunner Youth Club Magazine - 3rd September 1945

 Another interesting contribution from Ann & Brian Skinner relating to the Forerunner youth club run by the Rev Soar.

"The Forerunner magazine (below). Vol. 1 No. 3 dated September 1945. (just four months after the end of World Two) Am afraid that the quality of some of the pages have deteriorated, not surprising since it is 69 years old and the paper available at that time would have been to a very poor standard. It was produced by Mollie and June Picket in the front room of No 1 Hoyfield Villas, using a very old typewriter and even older hand duplicating machine, for which finding ink was always a major problem. Do not remember how many issues were produced but do recall the editor had to work hard to get members to contribute!"

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